Wintergreen Oil- The wonder oil

Essential Oils have become an integral part of our lives. We have become dependent on these oils for our healing and well being. It has been scientifically proven that these oils have antibacterial, anticancer, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties. One such oil with extra ordinary benefits is wintergreen oil.

Wintergreen OilWintergreen Oil was firstly found in Native America. Its scientific name is Gaultheria Procumbens. The first part of the name Gaultheria is has been derived from Celtic language of ancient Gaul and it means obscure. The second part of the name Procumbens is derived from Latin language. It means prostate or flat on the ground. This means that this herb grows at small height that is six inches above the ground. It is an evergreen plant and has creeping stems. These stems are considered very good to cure respiratory disorders. Native Americans used to chew them. This herb has white coloured flowers which hang downwards. During the time of American Revolution, it was greatly used as a substitute of black tea. And in earlier days, children used to chew its leaves to prevent tooth problems like tooth decay. Even now, it is very much used in making chewing gums, tooth paste and root beer.

Wintergreen oil is derived by the process of distillation. The leaves of this herb are distilled and they generate a very strong aroma. Though it was popularly believed that it can cure respiratory problems but lately it is being used to heal muscle problems like lumbago, sciatica, neuralgia, and myalgia. It even relieves one from pain in bones. The benefits of this oil are endless. It even helps in lowering the blood pressure. It is believed to be an anticoagulant, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, vasodilator, analgesic and anaesthetic oil. When applied it kindles the whole sensory system. It can even cure arthritis, rheumatism, nerve pain, hypertension, arteriosclerosis, hepatitis and fatty liver. That is why it is hugely used in aromatherapies.

Wintergreen oil can be directly used or diluted by mixing with other oils like coconut oil. It can be directly inhaled, in the diffused form or as a dietary supplement. This oil can be blended with herbs like calamus, vanilla, lavender etc. Its anticoagulant properties can be increased by mixing it with aspirin. Those who are allergic to aspirin should avoid it. Also, It should be avoided on the children’s skin. This oil is believed to be highly poisonous if it is absorbed through skin. It should be used in small amount as it can harm liver and kidney.

The ideal soil for Wintergreen herb to grow is acid woodland soil. It grows better in the shaded areas of the herb garden. Its seeds are planted or it can be grown by root division. This herb can be planted along with yarrow, yellow dock, pipsissewa, and Oregon holly grape. This herb is immensely popular among American Indians. The early spring roots are believed to be very good for strengthening teeth.

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